2 Ways You May Be Able To Get Out Of Jail After You've Been Arrested

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2 Ways You May Be Able To Get Out Of Jail After You've Been Arrested

30 August 2017
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

If you have been arrested, one of the things that will happen to you is that you will go through the arraignment process. At the arraignment process, you will tell the court whether you are guilty or not guilty. If you say that you are not guilty, the next thing that will happen is that your lawyer is going to ask about bail and the D.A. will give their recommendation as to whether or not you should get bail. When it comes to you being out of jail after your arraignment, the judge has several different options. 

Own Recognizance

One option that the judge can give you is to release you on your own recognizance. This means that the judge is basically trusting you to keep an eye on yourself and to make sure that you show up at court when you are supposed to. You may have to wear a tracking anklet, just for an added level of security for you to appear for your court date. Usually, the people who get out on their own recognizance are those who have committed extremely low-level felonies, are first time offenders, or have strong ties to the community. For example, if you were arrested for shoplifting a relatively inexpensive item, have never done it before, and you are the sole support of your family you are more likely to be released on your own recognizance. 


Another option is that judge orders bail. They will give an amount, and usually say cash or bond. If you have been offered bail, then you need to contact a bail bond agent. How that works is that you tell them how much your bail is. The agent will give you an amount that you will have to put up for collateral. That is generally a percentage of your bail amount. You may be able to give them cash, or you may have to put up property, like your car or your house. If you make your court date, you have no problem. If you don't, then your deposit and whatever you put up for collateral are likely to be forfeit, and the bail bond agent may have to send someone out to pick you up and take you to court. 

If you have been arrested, you may be able to get out of jail after your arraignment. It's up to you, what you plead, and the judge. Click here for info.