The Types Of Bail Bonds Your Bondsman Can Help You With

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The Types Of Bail Bonds Your Bondsman Can Help You With

5 August 2021
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

If you're charged with a criminal offense in a court of law, you'll always have the opportunity to apply for restricted freedom so you can wait for your case to be mentioned while out of custody. However, you only get to enjoy this freedom once you have applied and paid for bail, in which case, you'll have to enter into a binding contract between you, the court, and a bonds-person. The legally binding contract is known as a bail bond.

A bail bond allows you to be released from custody, provided you'll show up for all the court dates. Failure to show up for any court date would mean a breach of the contract, and your bail will be forfeited. The court allows for different types of bail, which you can apply for. Here are three common types of bail bonds that your bonds-person can help you with.

Surety Bond

A surety bond is the type of bail bond you'll need to buy back your freedom from custody when you don't have access to cash. A bail bond agent can help you acquire the amount you need to be set free temporarily as you wait for your case to be heard and determined. If you're securing this type of bond, you'll need to pay up to 10% of the total bail amount to the bonds-person with a promise to show up in court anytime you're needed.

You can easily get out with this kind of bond. The person representing you usually needs to pay around 10% of the bail amount to the bonds-person, and the bonds-person will then post the bail required by the court to get you out. 

An Immigration Bond

If you happen to go against the law in the U.S. as a non-resident or non-citizen, you might need an immigration bond to get temporary freedom as your case progresses. However, since you lack citizenship in the county, you won't quickly secure bail as there are specific criteria you need to meet for eligibility.

You should find someone with experience with immigration bail bonds to help you navigate the processes faster and more effectively.

Cash Bail

A cash bail, like the name suggests, is a bail that's paid in cash. While you can pay any other bail type in cash so long as you have access to cash, cash bails are strictly paid in cash and not any other form. However, some correctional departments will accept checks and credit cards for cash bail. You only need to confirm beforehand.

A bonds-person always comes in to help with settling cash bails that are too huge for you to settle alone at the moment. Most cash bails are set fairly high, especially if you're accused of committing a serious crime.

For more information, contact a bail bonds agency.